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● HURTIGRUTEN 订位:7-Day Northbound Voyage
※ 一年365天挪威峡湾邮轮之旅都是天天爆满,有兴趣者需提早好几个月甚至半年前就订位,否则届时会一位难求。 只是邮轮不含峡湾沿路城市景点的七天费用最低也要 US$1185;其他靠岸景点活动是自由选择参加,但需额外付费。


来自全世界各国的人欲参加挪威峡湾邮轮之旅,全在卑尔根(Bergen)城市集合。 搭国际渡轮的首要注意事项:守时一旦迟到没搭上邮轮,那下场会很惨,因得自己想办法搭到邮轮下一站集合,且个人行李物件全在原来的邮轮上所造成的不方便会让你哭笑不得,这是习惯迟到的人需特别注意的。(下图,为卑尔根(Bergen)城市、邮轮 TROLLFJORD,以及邮轮内设施。)

第一天 行程 (July 26 Monday)
靠岸城市:Bergen -> Geiranger Fjord -> Molde

参与景点活动:参观Geiranger Fjord,途中游览Golden Route的「11点钟"之"字形」道路,至 Trollstigen观赏北欧 Troll与瀑布。

2B GEIRANGER PANORAMA 2 Welcome to one of the world’s most beautiful travel destinations – the Geirangerfjordofficially praised by National Geographic and placed on UNESCO’s list of World Heritage Sites. Your day begins with a drive up Ørneveien (“Eagle Road”), enjoying magnificent views of Geiranger Fjord, en route to the beautiful Eidsdalsvatnet Lake. From there we take a picturesque ferry ride from Eidsdal to Linge, no doubt marvelling at the strength of the river as it cuts through Gudbrandsjuvet gorge, heading for the stark, wild high alpine areas. One of the many highlights of this trip is negotiating all of the 11 hairpin turns on the way down the winding Trollstigen pass. Once safely down at the bottom, it’s time for a hot drink and a bite to eat before we continue on to the gentler landscape of the Romsdalsfjord. We conclude with dinner in Molde before boarding the Hurtigruten ship again. Put simply, if you like fjords, magic mountains and stunning views, you’ll be in your element on this trip.

Approx. duration: 7 h 30 min
Transportation: Boat/Bus
Meals on the trip: Coffee/tea, roll, pancake and dinner

下图,为Golden Route的「11点钟"之"字形」道路、Trollstigen。

第二天 行程 (July 27 Tuesday)

参与景点活动:参观 Nidaro Cathedal (过去曾是挪威最大天主教堂), Rinvge Museum。Rinvge Museum 为 Victoria女士所建,其为俄国人后来嫁给挪威富商,喜欢蒐集世界各地18世纪之各种乐器,并结交许多音乐家如贝多芬、柴可夫斯基、萧邦、怕格尼尼等。夜里会经过挪威峡湾很有名的景点「洞穿崖」,这是个值得大家熬夜等候的景点。

3A NIDAROS CATHEDRAL & RINGVE Few large cities have managed to preserve their intimacy as effectively as Norway’s third largest city, Trondheim. An ancient city, it was founded by the Viking King Olav Tryggvason as early as 997. Your tour of the city starts from the pier and takes you to Norway’s national shrine, Nidarosdomen (Nidaros Cathedral) – Norway’s only Gothic style cathedral, built over the burial place of St. Olav, Norway’s patron saint. Here you can allow yourself to be impressed by the unbelievable architectural details and the exquisite works of art. After a guided tour of the cathedral, you have some free time to explore. From Nidaros Cathedral, the bus then takes us directly to the Ringve Museum of Musical History, where enthusiastic tour guides will take you on a musical journey through history. This beautiful manor house was the childhood home of Norwegian naval hero Petter Wessel Tordenskiold, and is surrounded by a wonderful botanical garden. The Museum is conveniently located just outside Trondheim, and so represents an idyllic spot to enjoy the beautiful views of both the town and the fjord.

Approx. duration: 3 hrs
Transport: Bus
Clothes/Footwear: Comfortable shoes are advised as the Ringve Museum has many stairs
Note: Photography is not allowed inside Nidaros Cathedral and Ringve Museum

下图,为 Nidaro Cathedal、Rinvge Museum、洞穿崖。

第三天 行程 (July 28 Wednesday)
参与景点活动:Glacier Adventure (冰川) – Svartisen Glacier (威威第二大冰川)、寻应野外之旅。
晚上邮轮会通过最窄峡湾,传说经过这里夜里 Troll 山怪会出现。晚上邮轮提供〝Trollfjord Soup〞,庆祝邮轮行经此处。大家都熬夜耐性的等候,绝不错过这难得的时刻与景点。

4A GLACIER ADVENTURE, SVARTISEN Today we will visit Norway’s second largest glacier, Svartisen, situated near Ørnes. Our ship will make a stop to allow you and your tour guide to transfer to another smaller boat for the excursion. This boat will then sail between islets and skerries whilst the guide tells you all about the area and the scenery – an impressive view best enjoyed out on the deck. It’s important not to forget your camera for this part, because you will now be in the realm of the sea eagle, Europe’s largest predatory bird. Once we move on to the Svartisen Tourist Centre, you will be able to admire the beauty of this enigmatic ice world, whilst enjoying a warm drink and the centre’s varied buffet of delicious cakes. Afterwards, we continue our journey along the beautiful coast of Helgeland, before rejoining the Hurtigruten ship in Bodø. Time and weather permitting, we may also be able to enjoy a quick visit to a local fishing village.

Approx. duration: 6 hrs
Transportation: Boat
Meals on the trip: Coffee/tee and buffet of griddle cake
Clothes/Footwear: Comfortable shoes / Warm clothing

下图,为 威威第二大冰川 Svartisen Glacier。

第四天 行程 (July 29 Thursday)
参与景点活动:逛 Tromso 最有名的长的像风琴键般的现代教堂"Tromsdal Church"、当代美术馆、帆船博物馆、….。

下图,为 Tromso 最有名的现代教堂"Tromsdal Church"。

第五天 行程 (July 30 Friday)
参与景点活动:搭船参加 Fuglesafari 峡湾湖上赏野鸟,值得一游。

6B BIRDWATCHING SAFARI On this tour we travel to the small fishing village of Gjesvær, with a population of around 120. Along the way we will receive an introduction to the local flora and fauna, before visiting one of the world’s most exciting nature reserves, Gjesværstappan, which lies approximately 15 km west of the North Cape. From the vessel we can study Finnmark’s largest flock of puffins, together with large numbers of kittiwakes. During the nesting season this area teems with life as mighty sea eagles hover above in search of prey, while guillemots, razorbills, cormorants, Arctic skuas, northern fulmars, Brünnich’s guillemots, and the large northern gannet fill the air with a cacophony of shrieks and screeches. In the autumn you can also catch a glimpse of Europe’s smallest seabird, the British storm-petrel.

Approx. duration: 3 hrs
Transportation: Bus/Boat
Clothes/Footwear: Comfortable shoes/Warm, wind proof clothing
Note: Fantastic filming and picture-taking opportunities.

下图,为 Fuglesafari 峡湾湖上赏野鸟。

第六天 行程 (July 31 Saturday)
参与景点活动:参加 Riverboat Safari 拜访 Sami文化、以及挪威与苏联边界。

Kirkennes dock – arrive 9:45AM
7B RIVERBOAT SAFARI The river boats are ready and waiting to take us up the Pasvikelva – a river with a cultural history dating back thousands of years. This is the place to hear about the history of the Sámi people, the sacred princes Boris and Gleb, St. Trifon of the Pechenga Monastery, and to see the rich animal and plant life that strives in this area. Reindeer, fish and bears make this one of the most exciting wilderness areas in Norway. At the border we go ashore and learn a little bit more about Norway’s relationship with its neighbour to the East, Russia, before being served a hot drink complimented by cloudberries with cream. Come and join us on the river and experience the unique history, beautiful scenery and rich array of animal life this intriguing area has to offer.

Approx. duration: 2 h 30 min
Meals on the trip: Coffee/tea, cloudberries with cream
Clothes/Footwear: Comfortable shoes /Warm clothing
Note: Life vests will be provided

下图,为 Riverboat Safari、拜访 Sami文化、挪威与苏联边界木桩。

第七天 行程 (August 1 Sunday)

抵达这挪威最北的「不夜城」Kirennes ,刚好是周末。周末大家都做礼拜去,整个城市像个死城,街道没人,餐厅不开,只好至超级市场报到。不过,在这里倒是可以再次体会〝Midnight Sun〞(午夜太阳),感受一下完全24小时的白天。我是刚从北极下来的,已体会三周的「午夜太阳」,再多体会一天,也好!在死城,需自得其乐的玩耍,否则真的有点闷!

下图,为 Kirennes城市周末像个死城。
