Yellow Stone Hiking – Bechler River Traverse (溯溪健行)

再次重温揹帐棚、睡袋、粮食…健行爬山的感觉。这次将来到美国黄石公园健行、溯溪,亲睹那湛蓝、深绿的火山湖 ….. 。六天走了近 40哩,几忽是从 Berkeley 走到矽谷。六天每天都是从白天走到傍晚,走过湖畔、岩石、森林、莽原、溯溪、…,六天没洗澡、没洗脸。


Day 1 – 8S3
Shuttle to Delacy Creek TH: 2.5-hour drive
Mileage: 8 miles, Elevation Gain: 300 feet

Starting at Delacy creek trailhead (7500′) and hiking around the northern shore of Shoshone lake for 8 miles. Elevation change of roughly 200′ – 300′. Shoshone Lake is one of the largest wilderness lakes in in the lower 48 states and the backdrop for the Shoshone Geyser Basin. The basin contains an abundance of geysers, each seeming to possess its own personality: there are bubbling pools, frothing potholes, bizarrely shaped mounds spewing fountain-like streams into the air and grumbling crevasses.

Day 2 – 9D3
Mileage: 10 miles
Elevation Gain: 500 feet Loss: 500 feet

Travele the traditional path to the Bechler drainage along the Bechler river trail. Total milege for the day is little over 10 miles and you will gain about 500′ that day and loose about 500′ that day.

Day 3 – 9B9
Mileage: 4.5 miles
Elevation Loss: 500 feet

A little over 4.5 miles to set up a 2 ight camp. Elevation loss of about 1100′ – spend the rest of day relaxing.

Day 4 – 9B9
a layover day
Include exploration of the area’s cascades and waterfalls, plus another soak in Mr. Bubble.

Day 5 – 9A2
Mileage: 10 miles
Elevation Loss: 250 feet

hike to last nights camp along Boundary creek. You will loose about 600′-700′ of elevation and no elevation gain. Encounter four river crossings which could be as deep as three feet. Our hard work fording the river will be rewarded with two magnificent waterfalls: Colonnade Falls, a two-part waterfall, the second of which is the highest on the hike, and Iris Falls.

Day 6
Mileage: 7.9 miles
Elevation Loss: 100 feet

Shuttle to Bozeman: 3.5-hour drive After a final seven-mile hike through meadows and stands of lodgepole pine we’ll arrive at the Bechler Ranger Station. From here we’ll have a beautiful drive to Bozeman for the trip’s conclusion.

